Online Registration Guide
Welcome to the registration of the new student Sekolah Kasih Maitreya. Sekolah Kasih Maitreya (SKM) opening the new Student Registration T.A. 2025/2026 for TPA, KB, TKA, TKB, SD, SMP, and SMK (Jurusan Akuntansi and Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan) section. Here is a short guide for online registering :
1. Age Requirement
- TPA : Minimum 1 year
- KB (Small) : July 2023
- KB (Large) : July 2022
- TK A : July 2021
- TK B : July 2020
- SD : July 2019
- SMP : July 2013 (have SD ijazah)
- SMK : July 2010 (have SMP ijazah)
2. Preparing Files
- Fotocopy / scan new student Birth Certificate : 1 sheet
- Fotocopy / scan Family Card (KK) : 1 sheet
- Fotocopy / scan Father and Mother ID : 1 sheet
- Fotocopy / scan Letter of Graduate (SKL) (if available)
- Fotocopy / scan study result semester 1 (for achievement student)
- Letter of transfer from school or rayon (for transfers from outside the city / province)
- Original Report Card / FC / Certificate
3. Registration Place (One Way System)
Management Office LKP Kasih Maitreya, 1st floor
Jl. Teladan, No. 38B-C
4. Registration Time (Offline)
Monday - Saturday (Work Day)
07.00 WIB - 16.00 WIB (Monday - Friday)
07.00 WIB - 14.00 WIB (Saturday)
5. Online Registration
- Register Online at web or click here
- Please click according to level. If one of the levels does not appear, it means the quota is full or has not been opened
- Follow the instruction on the register page, field the registrant name and as student or parent, click "Create Form" to continue opening new forms and filling in new student data.
- Fill in the registration form with your personal new student data correctly.
click "Next" to uploading files, all data will automatically saved. - Upload files (scan original file with format JPEG / PNG / BMP / JPG / SVG, maximum file size 1MB)
- Registrants are required to provide correct and appropriate information at the time of registration. If at a later date there are data or documents that are incorrect or not suitable, then the registration is considered invalid and may be subject to sanctions in accordance with the applicable provisions
- Click "Submit Form" to send all the data that you have filled in.
All registrant data will be stored securely and encrypted with a server private key to ensure the security of personal data - Pay the form for IDR 100.000 and make the payment to the Yayasan Prajnamitra Maitreya bank account, Bank Account Number : PANIN 5232004889
- Following early diagnostic assesment
6. Offline Registration
- Buy the form for IDR 100.000
- Fill in the registration form with your personal new student data correctly
- Make the direct payment to the registration section or Yayasan Prajnamitra Maitreya bank account, Bank Account Number : PANIN 5232004889
- Return the completed form to the registration section
- Following early diagnostic assesment
7. Step Registration
- Special : 04 October - 21 December 2024 (Discount 100% / Free)
- Batch 1 : 23 December 2024 - 08 March 2025 (Discount 75% + 25%)
- Batch 2 : 10 March 2025 - 11 May 2025 (Discount 50% + 25%)
- Batch 3 : 12 May 2025 - Quota full (Discount 25%)
8. Construction Fee
Click here for see construction fee for each batch and section.
9. Early Diagnostic Assesment
- TPA / KB / TK A-B : Early Diagnostic Assesment at the time of purchasing the form and refer the Birth Certificate
- SD / SMP / SMK : Initial Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment on Saturday outside school hours
- Assesment results will be announced no later than 1 week after assesment
10. Additional Information
- 100% (free) construction fee for PAUD - SMK level valid until the special batch of internal student registration (SKM alumni)
- Registration with a 100% construction discount is required to pay administration fees and IDR 700.000 for depositos.
- Registration with a 75% + 25% construction discount applies to batch 1 for both internal students and external students SKM.
- Registration with a 50% + 25% construction discount applies to batch 2 for both internal students and external students SKM.
- Registration with a 25% construction discount applies to batch 3 for both internal students and external students SKM.
- Payment of registration fees is not given in installments.
- Registration fee for transfer students following the current running batch.
- Purchase of uniforms and the completeness of the uniform attributes of prospective students can directly visit / relate to the School Cooperative.
- SKM GTK biological children from outside school must report to foundation to get 50% school fees for every month. Except TPA.
11. Others Fee
Click here for see construction and other fee for each batch and section.
Contact us
Email :
WhatsApp :
Payment Guide
- Bayar ditempat
Pay by visiting to Sekolah Kasih Maitreya.
Note : Must wear a mask, wash your hands with soap, check the temperature, keep your distance.
- ATM Nasabah PANIN
- Masukkan kartu ATM, lalu masukkan PIN Anda
- Pilih menu Transfer > Ke rekening PANIN
- Masukkan No. Rekening tujuan sesuai dengan yang tertera pada bagian bawah halaman petunjuk ini, pilih Benar
- Masukkan jumlah pembayaran sesuai dengan gelombang pendaftaran, pilih Benar
- Untuk bagian Berita / Keterangan cukup kosongkan saja, pilih Benar
- Layar ATM akan menampilkan konfirmasi transaksi :
- Pilih "Benar" bila setuju
- Bila tidak ada pilihan "Benar" / "Tidak", pastikan Anda telah memasukkan Nomor Rekening Tujuan dan Nominal Pembayaran dengan benar. Jika sudah benar, tekan "Benar"
- Jika transaksi berhasil, Anda akan memperoleh struk berupa bukti transfer sebagai alat pembayaran yang sah.
- ATM Non-Nasabah PANIN
- Masukkan kartu ATM, lalu masukkan PIN Anda
- Pilih menu Transfer > Ke rekening lainnya
- Masukkan kode bank PANIN "019" dan No. Rekening tujuan sesuai dengan yang tertera pada bagian bawah halaman petunjuk ini, pilih Benar
- Masukkan jumlah pembayaran sesuai dengan gelombang pendaftaran, pilih Benar
- Untuk bagian Berita / Keterangan cukup kosongkan saja, pilih Benar
- Layar ATM akan menampilkan konfirmasi transaksi :
- Pilih "Benar" bila setuju
- Bila tidak ada pilihan "Benar" / "Tidak", pastikan Anda telah memasukkan Nomor Rekening Tujuan dan Nominal Pembayaran dengan benar. Jika sudah benar, tekan "Benar"
- Jika transaksi berhasil, Anda akan memperoleh struk berupa bukti transfer sebagai alat pembayaran yang sah.
Bank Account Number | Bank Account Name |
PANIN 5232004889
| A/N : Yayasan Prajnamitra Maitreya |
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